Hi my good partners!! Nice to meet you!!
For me this year is very different. I have a new start in GBC, I'm very excited!!
Compare with young people, I really treasure every chances when I second times back to school, they are just like every freshman: have party, have boyfriends or girlfriends and have fun.
The mind will change by time, look back when I was freshman just like them too. I used to hang out with friends in free time and now I only will think what I need to do before classes.
Everyday is a big challenge for me. With English and classmates' super fast speaking speed. Yea I'm an international student and they are native children. I said sorry all the time, cuz sometimes it's really hard to catch it. First two months will be hard but I will over it.
My landlord said I'm very brave that go abroad and use non-native language to learn a new things. Yea it's tough but I won't regret.
Have you had a feeling about you can't wait for the next class coming?